
“Cooperation between animal and human health sectors is key to the detection, surveillance, and control of emerging disease”: IMED 2007 meeting in Vienna, February 2007.   Eurosurveillance, Volume 11, Issue 51, 21 December 2006   By Larry Madoff, MD      Editor, ProMED-mail      Associate Professor of Medicine      Harvard Medical School      Boston, MA Regrettably, despite this knowledge, and many dramatic recent examples such as Ebola virus, Lyme disease and SARS, the worlds of veterinary medicine and human health, including public health, remain quite separate. Schools and other training institutions, healthcare facilities, NGOs, public health agencies at all administrative levels, professional and scientific organisations, and journals nearly all remain segregated by their interests in either human medical or veterinary medical health. One of the rare examples that consistently deals with both is ProMED-mail...  August 19, 2010   John (Jack) Woodall, PhD, Director (retd.)Nucleus for the Investigation of Emerging Infectious Diseases Institute of Medical Biochemistry Center for Health Sciences Federal University Rio de Janeiro, Brazil   Dr. Woodall, a viral epidemiologist, is a co-founder and associate editor of ProMED-mail, the outbreak early warning system online of the Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases of the International Society for Infectious Diseases. He became the contents manager/editor of the ProMED-mail section in the Kahn-Kaplan-Monath-Woodall One Health Initiative website in February 2009.