
Halley Faust Comments Finding the right balance in contemporary issues One Health: the Balance between Animal and Human Health  August 21, 2013 – 1:31 pm Categories: Animal-Human Medicine, Prevention | Post a comment     Halley S. Faust, MD, MPH, MA President American College of Preventive Medicine 1260 Vallecita DriveSanta Fe, NM 87501 Voice: 505-501-8181 FREE @onHealthPolicy Blog: “Animals and humans interact in many more ways than we think about in domestic suburbia.  Sure, we know that animal farmers are constantly in contact with their produce, and we are happy to pet our domestic cats and dogs.  Sure we recognize that some wild animals get rabies or, here in the desert of New Mexico, occasionally someone comes down with plague because of flea bites from infected indigenous rodents (our first case of this year was just last week).  And we’ve all heard of bird flu. ...”   Please read more: or see attachment.