
Provided to One Health Initiative team by *Dr. George Glueddeke, August2, 2024:

To ensure balanced sub-regional (Canada, US, LAC) representation, 1 HOPE-TDR Americas (United States)  is seeking  several university reps  from leading  institutions  (p/see  USA SDG Impact rankings) in keeping with the Framework (att'd). 

Please share with university colleagues who might be interested in becoming a member of the evolving 1 HOPE-TDR Americas Steering Committee and who are recognised for their  leadership in  one of the following discipline domains: Biological /Life Sciences, Natural/Physical Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities.  

I would be pleased to discuss this opportunity with anyone interested in learning more about the initiative and future developments (2024-2027). 


Best wishes,

Dr George Lueddeke

George Lueddeke PhD 

Global Lead,  international One Health for One Planet Education & Transdisciplinary Research initiative 

PLEDGE Network member (UN Summit of the Future)

Advisor - Higher, Medical and One Health Education & Transdisciplinary Research


Southampton, United Kingdom

mob: 44 (0) 7721346334

*Member, Advisory Board - One Health Initiative.