
Rome Comparative Oncology Centre – a new One Health Initiative in Italy   Dr. Romano Zilli has informed us today April 7, 2009 about the establishment of a “Centre for Comparative Oncology” in Rome, Italy that involves the Medical and Veterinary Medical local services.  It is being run by the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Lazio e Toscana and Tor Vergata University of Rome (Medicine Faculty).  This is an exciting and visionary One Health development. Centre for Comparative Oncology in Rome A pilot study: A collaboration between IZSLT (Institute for Animal Health and Food Safety Rome), University of Rome Tor Vergata and Local Health Unit Rome B To study classification and nomenclature in liaison with National Reference Centre for animal oncology with a view to arriving at a system that is generally agreed. To assemble, tentatively define histopathologically, and selectively store animal tumor material and data. To collate and analyze relevant epidemiological data and to feed a database on obtained material available to researchers, epidemiologists, industry. To supply reference preparations and study sets to recognized institutions, veterinary and human, when feasible to do so. To advise on and perform identification and classification of animal tumoral material submitted by laboratories and clinics. To prepare and maintain a bibliographical reference system on animal tumors. Provided by:   Romano Zilli, DVMIstituto Zooprofilattico SperimentaleRegioni Lazio e ToscanaV. Appia Nuova 141100178