
An OPINION:   One Health or… some health?   When the eagles are silent, parrots begin to jabber. - Winston Churchill    Bruce Kaplan, DVM   The international One Health movement has expanded during the early 21st century.  It even sports the name “One Health” in most circles instead of “One Medicine”, the phrase promoted by the late Dr. Calvin Schwabe, the renowned public health veterinarian and parasitologist.  Actually, the two are essentially synonymous unless you want to split hairs.  One Health has been adopted by most to primarily designate a wider collaborative interdisciplinary inclusion.   I met and spent part of a morning and lunch with Dr. Schwabe at the home of his close friends, the family of the late noted public health figure,  Oscar Sussman, DVM, MPH, LL.B in Princeton, New Jersey (USA) in the early 1960s.  Schwabe was a brilliant, gentle, unpretentious person.  He called the concept “One Medicine” and was himself more oriented towards the public health (epidemiological) applicability.  Nonetheless, I am confident that if asked today, he would say something like, “whatever you call it, it needs to be implemented across the board in public health and clinical medicine for the benefit of human [and animal] health.”   While implementation still remains sometime in the future, the One Health movement has become and is becoming widely accepted worldwide, particularly in public health communities.  Regrettably, although One Health principles apply exceptionally well to protecting nations’ public health, it also applies equally well to clinical medical and surgical research (comparative medicine) and hence in private practice, i.e. in the fields of cancer, cardiovascular disease, orthopedic conditions, obesity, and many others.  By perusing the One Health Initiative website and the online quarterly One Health Newsletter, one can find numerous examples of One Health advances for both disciplines, viz. public health and clinical health care.   Much more One Health activity is evident in public health academic communities than among clinical health academic circles.  It is practically non-existent and for the most part unheard of within the practicing veterinary medical and human medical communities.  Specifically, practicing veterinarians and physicians in private practices generally do not know about One Health and those that hear of it ask the legitimate question, “So, what is in it for us?”   If One Health activists continue to only stress public health to the exclusion of clinical medical/surgical research and neglect indoctrinating our practitioner colleagues into “What’s in it for all of us”… we will travel the path of “some health” and not ONE HEALTH.  Protecting and saving untold millions of lives requires recognition and implementation of, by and for both disciplines.     Dr. Bruce Kaplan is a member of the One Health Initiative website team along with Laura H. Kahn, MD, MPH, MPP, Thomas P. Monath, MD, and Jack Woodall, PhD.  He also serves on the editorial board of the One Health Newsletter and has been a co-author contributor to One Health articles with One Health Newsletter editor Mary Echols, DVM, MPH.  Dr. Echols was the first to appreciate and express the practical, bottom line phrase “so, what’s in it for us” relative to when many initially consider supporting the One Health concept.     Comments about this Opinion piece are welcomed.   Opinions and comments about One Health are encouraged.  Selected appropriate messages will be posted upon receipt of permission from author(s).  Please send to c/o Contents Manager.