
Press announcement  10 November, 2010   Immuno Valley [the Netherlands] is funded €1.5 Million [$2.09 Million USA Dollars] to concert the combat against infectious diseases of animals and humans   Life Sciences network Immuno Valley announces to receive over  €1.5 Million [$2.09 Million USA Dollars] of funding to roll-out their viPps program 2011-2014. Immuno Valley viPps aims at developing the network of knowledge institutions, multinational pharma and SME in the Netherlands into a permanent life sciences cluster. Knowledge intensive companies nowadays bundle their R&D activities and seek strong connections with high-end knowledge regions. viPps will realize this connection on the unique domain of human and veterinary infectious diseases.    viPps focuses on three action points: ­          Connect: Promote the active interaction between professionals of the network ­          Coordinate: Stimulate innovation through collaborative projects of private and public partners ­          Commercialize: Accelerate the commercialization of existing and inventive knowledge  The program builds on its proprietary database of scientists and researchers in the Netherlands acting in the domain and the extensive network of companies connected to the Immuno Valley consortium.     The funding approved forms part of the Pieken in the Delta program by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation and is co-funded by the provinces of North Holland, Flevoland and Utrecht and cities Amsterdam, Utrecht and Lelystad.   Nederlands Life Sciences The Netherlands Life Sciences are globally ranked at eighth position1. This is achieved by the superior quality of their educational system and the high end level of knowledge and technology. Especially in the field of veterinary science the Netherlands harbor renowned global players both private and public.   Immuno Valley Immuno Valley is a networking organisation of public and private institutions , acting since 2008 on the bundling, integration and commercialization of research in the area of emerging infectious diseases of animals and man. Its leading motive is ‘One Health’ , the added value of connecting human and animal health. During the past two years Immuno Valley has developed the consortium exemplified by the successful ALTANT research program funded by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, which aims at new strategies to replace antibiotics in livestock. New products may also benefit human application.   1 Source: Global Bio Technology Report, Ernst & Young (2007) Information: S. Fluitsma • 030-2534839 • A. Vermeulen • 030-2531618 • T +31 (0)30 253 16 18 • •