
Please see previous NEWS item on this page:   One Health Initiative website audience asking: “where is reference to One Health in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention  Stategic plan?”   Answer:   ONE HEALTH within the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Disease Strategic Plan is specifically cited in...   Pages 24 and 25 of A CDC Framework for Preventing Infectious Diseases – Sustaining the Essentials and Innovating for the Future    “Promote One Health approaches to prevent emergence and spread of zoonotic diseases The recognition that most new human pathogens emerge from animal reservoirs (40,41) has given rise to a One Health approach to disease prevention that links human, animal, and environmental health. One Health approaches typically aim to prevent or control zoonotic diseases—diseases caused by microbes that infect both humans and animals.      The elimination of canine rabies in the United States in 2004 after decades of intensive surveillance, laboratory advancements, and vaccination efforts on the part of human and veterinary science communities is a prime example of successful One Health collaborations, providing a model for improved understanding and control of emerging zoonoses and offering potential for developing countries, where canine rabies continues to cause tens of thousands of deaths each year. One Health policies and actions can facilitate early detection of new diseases that emerge from animal and insect reservoirs and also offer potential means for improving food safety and preventing the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. Examples include policies that support interdisciplinary collaborations and communications on all aspects of healthcare for humans and animals, in accordance with the goals of the One Health Initiative Other One Health policy goals include - Active participation of agricultural and veterinary partners in integrated analysis of animal health and human health data to identify new threats - Improved linkages between veterinary experts and state and local epidemiologists (e.g., via the Environmental Health Specialist Network - Strategies that reduce the risk of importing infectious diseases into the United States via animals and cargo. In addition to domestic partners in these efforts, CDC also works with USAID, the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), and other international partners to promote worldwide One Health planning and cooperation.”