
New open-access “One Health Journal” announced… Please see One Health Official Journal of the One Health FoundationThe mission of One Health is to provide a platform for rapid communication of high quality scientific knowledge on inter- and intra-species pathogen transmission, bringing together leading experts in virology, pathology, immunology, bacteriology, parasitology, veterinary sciences, food safety, mathematical modelling, epidemiology, public health research and emergency preparedness.Submissions to the following categories are welcome: Virology Bacteriology Parasitology Modelling Discovery Ecosystem Health Public Health The journal is part of a larger, community-wide initiative which includes the One Health Platform and the One Health congress series. The mission of One Health is to provide a platform for rapid communication of high quality scientific knowledge on inter- and intra-species pathogen transmission, bringing together leading experts in virology... View full aims and scope Editors-in-Chief: John Mackenzie, Albert Osterhaus View full editorial board