Call for Papers Special Issue of Monash Bioethics Review on ‘One Health Ethics’ Guest Co-Edited by *Zohar Lederman (Centre for Biomedical Ethics, National University of Singapore) and Chris Degeling (Centre for Values, Ethics & Law in Medicine (VELIM); University of Sydney) Rationale and Description: One Health (OH) and related approaches such as EcoHealth and Planetary Health are arguably novel in recognizing the inter-relatedness of humans, non-human animals, and the environment. They explore, document, and articulate the effects of climate change and other grand-scale environmental conditions on human, animal and environmental health. Above all, these approaches stress that human health can no longer be considered in isolation from animal and environmental health. Rather, from a scientific perspective, these are inextricably linked and interdependent. Even as OH approaches are increasingly accepted at global, national and local levels of health research and practice, the ethics is lagging behind the science. OH explicitly aims to attain optimal health for humans, animals, and the environment, but few have considered the potential normative implications of such an aim. Only in the past three years have philosophers, scientists and bioethicists begun to examine ethical issues relating to this expanding science. They face the challenge of applying existing environmental ethical theories to multi-species public health problems and novel approaches to biomedical research and practice, in an era where the field of bioethics mainly shies away from such abstract theories. As part of this interdisciplinary effort, we welcome submissions for a Special Issue of Monash Bioethics Review exploring the ethics of One Health. Submissions should be 3,000-6,000 words in length, excluding references and footnotes. We invite theoretical discussions, practical implications, and empirical ethics studies that cast a wide net in an attempt to capture what the ethics of One Health may entail and signify. Submissions preferably would be interdisciplinary and/or with interdisciplinary applications. Suggested topics include: The normative tensions and concordances between OH, EcoHealth and Planetary Health Normative analyses of empirical examples of OH practices OH in policy and law The politics and ethics of an OH approach to communicable disease risks and outbreaks OH and the co-incidence of non-communicable diseases (such as type II diabetes) in human and animal populations OH, biopolitics and multispecies governance Feminism, Ecofeminism and OH OH and food or environmental justice OH and the Anthropocene OH, animal welfare and animal protection Interested authors are welcome to send abstracts to the Guest Co-Editors in order to assess potential relevance to the Special Issue. Submission deadline: 30 June 2017 Please submit your manuscript via the Monash Bioethics Review website here: Please indicate (on the online submission form) that your submission is for Special Issue on ‘One Health Ethics’. *Dr. Zohar Lederman [MD] is a physician One Health supporter (scroll down). This notice was provided to the One Health Initiative website February 6, 2017.
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“One Health – One Medicine”: linking human, animal and environmental health
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History of the One Health Initiative team and website (April 2006 through September 2015) and the One Health Initiative website since October 1, 2008 … revised to June 2020 and again to date February 2021
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