Three outstanding educational “One Health” oral discussions worthy of repeating and listening to before the New Year arrives ... A must view comprehensive One Health talk...One Health Expert Addresses Library of Congress - Monday, August 29, 2016 One Health Expert Addresses Library of Congress SEE: TITLE: One Health SPEAKER: Bernadette Dunham, DVM, PhD EVENT DATE: 2016/05/18 RUNNING TIME: 56 minutes TRANSCRIPT: View Transcript (link will open in a new window) DESCRIPTION: “Dr. Bernadette Dunham discussed interconnections of human and animal health with environmental health. She explained that no one discipline or sector of society has enough knowledge and resources to prevent the emergence or resurgence of diseases in todays globalized world. This One Health concept is a worldwide strategy for expanding interdisciplinary collaborations and communications in all aspects of health care for humans, animals, and the environment.” One Health Speaker: Bernadette Dunham, DVM, PhD - Former Director, Center for Veterinary Medicine, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, MD. Currently, Visiting Professor, The Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. (USA) Note—Dr. Dunham is a longstanding One Health Initiative team Advisory Board member Opinion of the One Health Initiative website manager/editor since October 2008: this excellent concise One Health presentation represents one of the best available on the scene today. ____________ One Health: Connecting Animal, Human and Environmental Health Saturday, November 03, 2018. Note: All humans, worldwide and One Health advocates need to read and see this extraordinary article and talk by Dr. Sharon Deem, the St. Louis Zoo (USA) veterinarian. One Health: Connecting Animal, Human and Environmental Health Saint Louis Zoo One Health includes human health. Therefore, we include human health in all our studies. For example, through the St. Louis Box Turtle Project, we ... ____________ One Health Series: The Politics of Antimicrobial Resistance - Friday, December 07, 2018 One Health Series: The Politics of Antimicrobial Resistance National Institute For Animal Agriculture December 5, 2018 12:37 PM One Health Series: The Politics of Antimicrobial Resistance Drovers Magazine In 2001, *Physician, Dr. Laura Kahn was a student at Princeton University, pursuing a masters degree in public policy. Then, Sept. 11 changed her career. One Health — The Politics of Antimicrobial Resistance Princeton author says it’s time for physicians and veterinarians to join forces. ( National Institute for Animal Agriculture ) SEE: *Dr. Kahn is a co-founder of the One Health Initiative Autonomous pro bono Team: Laura H. Kahn, MD, MPH, MPP ▪ Bruce Kaplan, DVM ▪ Thomas P. Monath, MD ▪ Lisa A. Conti, DVM, MPH
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Please see MONOGRAPH in Veterinaria Italiana
“One Health – One Medicine”: linking human, animal and environmental health
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History of the One Health Initiative team and website (April 2006 through September 2015) and the One Health Initiative website since October 1, 2008 … revised to June 2020 and again to date February 2021
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Vaccines for zoonoses: a One Health paradigm
SciTech Europa Quarterly (March 2018) – Issue 26
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Pan European Networks SciTech Europa Quarterly
SciTech Europa Vaccines for zoonoses: a one Health paradigm – Pages 227-229 (Read PDF) “One of the One Health Initiative team’s co-founders and leaders is an internationally-recognized eminent physician…
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