
DUKE (USA) ONE HEALTH Newsletter - ISSUE 17 August 2019 ... Veterinarians Merged with Physician Educations: Past and Present Combined into One Individual “One Health” [opinion article] Please see newsletter link: - Also available on Duke One Health Monthly Newsletter website:  Veterinarians Merged with Physician Educations: Past and Present Combined into One Individual “One Health”     Although veterinary medicine and human medicine are viewed separately, training of veterinarians bears a strong resemblance to training of physicians. The two disciplines share the same fields of science with some differences in the content and the covered species.  Historically, individuals who received dual training have greatly influenced the development of general medicine. Dr. Bruce Kaplan, the co-founding member of the One Health Initiative team, and Dr. Steven W. Atwood, member of the One Health Initiative Advisory Board, published a paper that advances the idea of establishing unique DVM/VMD - MD/DO programs in the U.S. and internationally.  The authors present several contributions of previous and current dual-trained professionals to illustrate the potential impact of multidisciplinary training using a One Health Model. Read more