
Consortium of Universities for Global Health 12th Annual Conference

CUGH Virtual Conference 2021
March 12-14, 2021
Satellite Sessions March 1-11, 2021
CUGH 2021 Tracks
  • Addressing the Social Determinants of Health
  • Covid-19, Emerging Infectious Diseases, & Other Communicable Diseases
  • Politics, Law, Corruption, Human Rights, Governance, Diplomacy, Strengthening Public Institutions
  • Planetary Health, One Health, Environmental Health, Climate Change and Pollution
  • Strengthening Health Systems, Public Health, Primary and Surgical Care
  • Non-Communicable Diseases
  • Translation and Implementation Science, High Impact Development Initiatives, Bridging Research to Policy, Reforming Academia
Breakout Panel Proposals
CUGH invites Institutional Members to organize and develop a 3 to 4 speaker panel for up to 60 minutes including Q&A. Panels will be adjudicated by our Scientific Program Advisory Committee and the selected panels will fill a number of slots in our agenda.
Panel Submission Deadline: October 16, 2020 11:59 pm ET
Abstract Submissions
CUGH invites all persons wishing to report original research, innovative projects or novel programs related to global health to submit abstracts to be considered for presentation. Our virtual poster presentation platform will allow for high-resolution posters to be uploaded and for presenters to record a video explaining the poster. Attendees can send the presenters messages to discuss their research.
Abstract Submission Deadline: October 23, 2020 11:59 pm ET
Introducing the Abstract Advising Program-
New for the 12th Annual CUGH Conference, we are piloting an Abstract Advising Program to connect early-career CUGH and AFREhealth members (advisees) with more experienced CUGH and AFREhealth members (advisors). Once linked, the advisor and advisee will work together in a focused interaction to improve the quality of the abstract prior to submission for the CUGH conference.
  • Potential Advisees must be CUGH members (individual or institutional) or AFREhealth members seeking guidance to improve their abstract prior to submission to CUGH2021.
  • Potential Advisors must be CUGH members (individual or institutional) or AFREhealth members and commit to providing high-quality and timely abstract guidance to the advisee with whom they are matched. To ensure that advisors have an appropriate level of experience, they must have been involved in writing at least five abstracts that were accepted at national or international conferences.
March 1-11, 2021
Satellite Sessions
Create a 3 or 6 hour satellite session on a big global health issue. These sessions are opportunities to convene colleagues globally to share knowledge, identify actions that can address these challenges, build partnerships and mobilize individuals to support impactful activities. Sessions will be pre-taped, with a live Q&A option, and can be led by institutions anywhere in the world. They will be staggered between March 1-11, 2021 and accessible to all. You do not have to register for the conference to access these satellite sessions which will be online for at least 6 months.
Sponsorship & Visibility Opportunities
Sponsorship logos will be displayed throughout the online conference, including during the plenaries.
Exhibitors will get to meet hundreds of interested students, faculty and global health practitioners. Each exhibitor will have their own page linked to the Virtual Exhibit Hall where they can share promotional materials, their website, videos, documents, meet face-to-face with attendees by video or respond to messages sent by attendees.
The Lancet Global Health-CUGH Best Student Poster Competition
Submission Deadline: October 23, 2020
LLMIC Presenter Bursaries
Submission Deadline: October 23, 2020
CUGH Leadership Awards
Submission Deadline: October 30, 2020
Reflection in Global Health Essay Contest
Submission Deadline: October 31, 2020
Velji Awards for Global Health Excellence
Submission Deadline: November 15, 2020
Please reach out to Jenna Smith, Events and Membership Engagement Manager with any conference related questions:
Event Start Date: March 12, 2021