
Federation of European Microbiogical Societies (FEMS) Endorses One Health


“The Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) strongly supports the One Health Initiative (OHI) and the call for increased collaboration between the human and veterinary medical communities. Many of our members look forward to seeing more interactions and partnerships between physicians, veterinarians and scientific researchers.  Such collaboration could help find responses to serious societal challenges, such as emerging infectious diseases, pandemics and the transmission of Antimicrobial Resistance. Also, it is crucial for our health and the health of the planet to build a better understanding around the role and fate of microbes and viruses in the biotic and abiotic environment. OHI can show the way to a healthy future!”

Federation of European Microbiological Societies || Delftechpark 37a, 2628 XJ, Delft | The Netherlands | +31 1503020050|

Please see FEMS homepage and the femsjournal pages

Provided to One Health Initiative website December 7, 2015