
Scitech EuropaSciTech Europa

The SciTech Europa Quarterly digital publication brings together the key voices in the European scientific community and the leading trends in science, research and innovation. In an increasingly competitive world, scientific enterprise is the lynchpin of collaboration, which drives human endeavour and addresses key challenges for the benefit of citizens in Europe and around the world.


How can a One Health approach mitigate the most prevalent health risks today?

The One Health approach encompasses a range of programmes, policies, legislation and research which enable improved communication and health outcomes across healthcare for animals, humans and the environment. Forging professional bonds between physicians, veterinarians, dentists, nurses and other scientific and health- and environment-related disciplines, One Health has become pertinent in key issues such as food safety, the control of zoonoses, and the battle against antibiotic resistance. ...

Please read complete article published September in SciTech Europa Quarterly issue 28, September 2018, turn to Pages 167 & 168 by

clicking on


direct publication online in August 2018 at