
A Viewpoint 

Publishing Accurate Educational Articles about Life Protecting/Life Saving public and clinical health methodology:

For several years the visionary Impakter magazine has published numerous instructive and informative articles by “One Medicine-One Health” worldwide experts.   Knowledgeable professionals with expertise in various fields including science, epidemiology, human medicine, veterinary medicine, law and journalism have contributed.

Standing literally upon a potential pandemic and healthcare infrastructure abyss... national and international media, the general public, and political leaders need to take heed.   Institutionalizing the nonpartisan One Health concept is the most practicable global public health policy-strategy available for establishing an expeditious and more efficacious approach to prevention, control and/or management.  This applies to both public health and clinical healthcare research.


SEE: One Health Archives []


Latest One Health article published today...

How Quantum Computing Could Advance One Health - Impakter


 Company - Impakter:


“In June 2014, Impakter Magazine was born with a mission: bridging generations by connecting millennials to baby boomers.

Today, Impakter has grown into more than a magazine, sustainability powerhouse. However, our goal remains clear: Delivering reliable, data-based facts and high-quality articles researched by our team and global experts.

Our extended coverage spans from ESG, Finance, Business, Climate tech and Sustainable living, entertainment, science and more. We aim to provide everything you need to know about sustainability—all in one place.

 MISSION AND VALUES is on a mission—simple, yet profound: to connect the knowledge hub with the public, using the force of transparent and impactful journalism. With every article you explore, you empower our mission to play a part in building a world truly committed to sustainability.

At Impakter, our daily efforts are led by our mission and core values. By making a positive impact, we contribute to our readers and global society with a focus on sustainability.

