
Important One Health issues addressed - Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association NEWS, March 28, 2018


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Animal sentinels sounding the alert

American Veterinary Medical Association

"Sentinel species are an important component of the one-health initiative, and veterinarians are becoming a key component of that because of their unique training," Dr. Bossart said. "They're trying to tell us what's going on in our oceans, and we're not good at listening to that. It's important for us to look ...

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Environment: the bedrock of one health

American Veterinary Medical Association

At first glance, veterinarians' role in environmental health is less apparent than their role in the other two legs of the one-health triad. One health, as defined by the AVMA, is the integrative effort of multiple disciplines working locally, nationally, and globally to attain optimal health for people, animals, and ...

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A one-health solution to the toxic algae problem

American Veterinary Medical Association

Concerns like these, along with the likelihood that HABs are growing in frequency and distribution, have galvanized a global community of veterinarians and other scientists who interact with like-minded experts in government agencies in a one-health approach to better understand toxigenic ...

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