by *Richard Seifman, JD, MBA
Ukraine is the latest example of the damage caused by war on human health, animals and the environment; external partners can help reduce losses
“Mental Health and One Health, the latter being the interface of human/animal/ecosystem health, address largely different scientific research, methods, public awareness and actions. Yet both face unanticipated challenges as a result of the Russian invasion, putting much greater burdens on an already overwhelmed Ukraine Government. External allies and donors can direct some of their human and financial resources to these non-military needs. Doing so will have multiple benefits, including helping to move Ukraine’s candidacy for European Union membership one step further.
Why should we address these two subjects together? What mental health and One Health have in common are supportive pronouncements by experts and public authorities, limited numbers of fully trained practitioners, and insufficient funding to do what is needed and known effective in crisis situations. Typically, neither are attentive to the other’s pursuits, scientific issues, and responses. This is partly because the disciplines have very different professional education and interests, and operational focus. But in this conflict situation, there are commonalities. ...”
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Please see MONOGRAPH in Veterinaria Italiana
“One Health – One Medicine”: linking human, animal and environmental health
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History of the One Health Initiative team and website (April 2006 through September 2015) and the One Health Initiative website since October 1, 2008 … revised to June 2020 and again to date February 2021
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Vaccines for zoonoses: a One Health paradigm
SciTech Europa Quarterly (March 2018) – Issue 26
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Pan European Networks SciTech Europa Quarterly
SciTech Europa Vaccines for zoonoses: a one Health paradigm – Pages 227-229 (Read PDF) “One of the One Health Initiative team’s co-founders and leaders is an internationally-recognized eminent physician…
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