
Kentucky (USA) Veterinary Medical Association History Book contains One Health Feature


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Celebrating 100 Years of Compassionate Care, 1911 – 2011, a new book released by the Kentucky Veterinary Medical Association (KVMA), is now available for online purchase  Its 120 pages are filled with facts, figures and photos that will hold your interest from beginning to end. Covering topics from the origins of the association to the future of veterinary medicine and the one-health movement, the book is both a chronicle of yesteryear and a prompt for discussions of tomorrow. 


This entertaining volume captures the practice and the spirit of veterinary medicine in Kentucky from its earliest beginnings to 2011 and beyond. And snippets of veterinary

“advice” from the early 20th century sprinkled liberally throughout the book provide a delightful peek into the past.


You’ll find the stories behind these and hundreds of other Kentucky (USA) “fascinating facts.” And in the section called Tales From How It Used To Be, you can read firsthand accounts—some hilarious, some touching, all entertaining—from the lives of some of the KVMA’s most seasoned practitioners.


We’ve also produced a commemorative CD entitled Voices of Kentucky Veterinarians. In this compilation of oral histories, Kentucky veterinarians young and old recount why they

wanted to become veterinarians, what it was like to go to veterinary medical school, their memories of practice, and what has changed in the profession over the years. This 55-minute-long, professionally produced narrative is a priceless testimony to the greatest profession in the world practiced in the most beautiful state in the union. The veterinarians who tell their stories in the book are not the same folks who tell their stories on the CD, so you’ll want to own both to enjoy the full flavor of the Kentucky veterinary medical experience.


Above statement and permission for One Health Initiative website to post One Health book chapter #17 provided by:


Pat Kennedy Arrington, DVM, CVFP

Certified Veterinary Family Practice

Hospital Director,Jefferson Animal Hospital Regional Emergency Center
4504 Outer Loop, Louisville, Ky 40219 (USA)
(502) 966-4104 (fax) 966-3904
Open 24 hours and AAHA Certified since 1980