
LATEST “One Health” NEWS via Impakter


One Health is the collaborative efforts of multiple disciplines working locally, nationally, and globally to attain optimal health for people, animals, plants and our environment.

One Health implementation will help protect and/or save untold millions of lives in our generation and for those to come.

Between animal and human medicine there are no dividing lines--nor should there beThe object is different but the experience obtained constitutes the basis of all medicine.”

 --Rudolf Virchow, MD (the father of cellular pathology)—


The Case for and Against America’s Role in the WHO

Trump WHO

One Health is a key approach to "Make America Healthy Again" — and the WHO with CDC can make it happen

SEE: The Case for and Against America's Role in the WHO - Impakter  []


One Health Agenda Launched in the US: What Now?

One health US

Following the announced launch of the National One Health Framework, the incoming Trump Administration could create an Office of the One Health Coordinator in the White House to ensure its effective implementation

SEE: One Health Agenda Launched in the US: What Now? - Impakter


Avian Flu Spreads to Humans: Our Next Human Epidemic or Worse?

avian flu

The One Health Approach Prevents and/or Contains Future Infectious Diseases: A New U.S. Administration could avert more risks than earlier experiences during the previous COVID crisis

Avian Flu Spreads to Humans: Our Next Human Epidemic or Worse? - Impakter




NOTE: See One Health Archives Impakter