Major U.S. Company (US Biologic) Strongly Endorses One Health
April 5, 2016
Laura H. Kahn, MD, MPH, MPP; Bruce Kaplan, DVM;
Thomas P. Monath, MD; Jack Woodall, PhD; Lisa A. Conti, DVM, MPH
One Health Initiative Autonomous pro bono Team:
Re: US BIOLOGIC endorsement of the One Health Initiative
According to the CDC (2016), “Scientists estimate that more than 6 out of every 10 infectious diseases in humans are spread from animals." While human-focused diagnostic, preventative, and treatment innovations will remain critical tools in protecting human health, special focus also must be paid to the animals with which humans interact.
The One Health movement understands the interconnection between human and animal, and so its tenants of focusing on animal health to improve human health bear relevance to all global efforts to reduce disease, and improve and save human lives.
US BIOLOGIC has developed a unique One Health solution: an oral-delivery platform that can target “disease reservoirs” such as the white-footed mice known to be the primary carrier for Lyme Borrelia. This solution allows for cost-efficient application of the vaccine in a wildlife setting, thus changing the environmental role of the mouse from disease reservoir to being an integral part of the Point of Disease Prevention cycle.
“Implementation of such a long-term public health measure could substantially reduce the risk of human exposure to Lyme disease” (Richer LM, et al. Reservoir targeted vaccine against Borrelia burgdorferi: A new strategy to prevent Lyme disease transmission. Journal of Infectious Disease. 2014; 209: 1972-1980).
Toward that end, US BIOLOGIC is pleased to endorse the One Health Initiative in its many forms, and we look forward to growing together, creating groundbreaking technologies that may improve animal and human health all over the world.
Mason Kauffman
President & CEO
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Please see MONOGRAPH in Veterinaria Italiana
“One Health – One Medicine”: linking human, animal and environmental health
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