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National League of Cities (USA) Adopts One Health Resolution


November 18, 2011 (USA)—The National League of Cities (NLC) adopted an historic One Health Resolution at its annual business meeting in Phoenix, AZ (USA) on November 12, 2011, with approximately 700 voting members in attendance. 


The resolution states that “the National League of Cities supports integrated decision-making in the context of the One Health Initiative, and calls on the federal government to adopt legislation and practices that address human health, animal health, and ecological health in an integrated fashion and support local efforts to advance sustainability goals.”


One Health was also integrated into another comprehensive resolution, amended and approved for renewal, “Calling on the federal government to address issues of sustainability and support local ‘green’ efforts.” That resolution states, in part, “that for the betterment of the current generation, and to ensure that we meet our responsibility to future generations, NLC recommends that the federal government take the following actions…In the area of public health: Recognize relationships among the environment, food systems, animal health and human health, and support the One Health Initiative to promote integration of those disciplines, policies, and practices.”


The NLC represents more than 19,000 cities, towns and villages across the nation, with voting representation by more than 1,600 dues-paying member cities of all sizes. 




News item provided by One Health advocate, Mayor Nancy Chaney of Moscow, Idaho (USA) and member of the Board of Directors for the National League of Cities.