"May there never develop in me the notion that my education is complete but give me the strength and leisure and zeal continually to enlarge my knowledge."
- Maimonides -
The pro bono “One Health” team of Laura H. Kahn, MD, MPH, MPP, Bruce Kaplan, DVM, and Thomas P. Monath, MD announces that an autonomous free access ‘One Health’ website is now available online at . This has been under consideration for many months. Over the past months, inquiries about such a venture have been received from individuals in the U.S. and other countries. The most common comment heard has been “a One Health website is not only important but a must…as soon as possible!”
The developers envision this website as a method of providing worldwide ‘One Health’ Initiative information for the general public, political and governmental leaders, news media and all ‘One Health’ professionals, advocates and supporters. As the ‘One Health’ movement evolves via the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) ’One Health’ task force Steering committee/National One Health Commission, it is hoped that this website will eventually be transitioned/merged under their auspices.
The ‘One Health Newsletter’ and its links will be prominently featured on the site as a major ‘One Health’ international educational publication. In addition, there will be links to the AVMA ‘One Health’ task force recommendations published in the Journal of the AVMA (JAVMA) and other pertinent ‘One Health’ publications.
Drs. Kahn and Monath serve as contributors to the Newsletter and Dr. Kaplan serves on the editorial board. All three have been closely allied with the Newsletter since its inception. It should be noted that Dr. Monath served as a member of the AVMA ‘One Health’ task force.
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Please see MONOGRAPH in Veterinaria Italiana
“One Health – One Medicine”: linking human, animal and environmental health
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History of the One Health Initiative team and website (April 2006 through September 2015) and the One Health Initiative website since October 1, 2008 … revised to June 2020 and again to date February 2021
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Vaccines for zoonoses: a One Health paradigm
SciTech Europa Quarterly (March 2018) – Issue 26
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Pan European Networks SciTech Europa Quarterly
SciTech Europa Vaccines for zoonoses: a one Health paradigm – Pages 227-229 (Read PDF) “One of the One Health Initiative team’s co-founders and leaders is an internationally-recognized eminent physician…
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