
NEW Online Food Safety Course Offered by Institute of Food Technologists


The Institute of Food Technologists is offering a new online food safety course to help participants learn more about incorporating food safety throughout the entire product development process. Explore the key issues concerning food safety, identify food safety hazards and control measures, and deepen their understanding about HACCP considerations, quality management systems, and other food safety practices.
This course that will help you to identify food safety issues within the product development process, discover ways to apply sound science in key aspects of product development, understand food safety regulations throughout the product development process, learn to apply lessons learned from past food safety issues and cases, and recognize the importance of consumer concerns about food safety. More information about this course can be found at:


 From National Meat Association’s Weekly Newsletter – ‘Lean Trimmings and Herd On The Hill’  November 23, 2009


*Happy Thanksgiving to ALL from One Health Initiative website’s One Health team!