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Health & Social Care News

“ ... The Chair will be integrated into the SACIDS Foundation for One Health, an institute of Sokoine University of Agriculture on behalf of member institutions from the SADC region that founded SACIDS in 2008, initially as a regional programme, until 2018 when it was transformed into its current status. His genomics expertise will be core for the overall SACIDS research programme that addresses One Health genomics of viral epidemics and antimicrobial resistance both in humans and animals. He will collaborate with the University of Zambia (Zambia), Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (Malawi), University of the Free State (South Africa), the Royal Veterinary College (UK), the Pirbright Institute (UK), Lancaster University (UK), University of Gent (Belgium), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden) and the Animal Health Research Centre (Spain). ...”