

Sample Abstracts for Upcoming One Health Meeting (Go to the meeting, there are other excellent talks):

November 11-17, 2010

United States Animal Health Association (USAHA)
114th Annual Meeting - Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA)

American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD)
53rd Annual Conference

For more information on AAVLD programs, please go to

 One Health - 2010 AAVLD/USAHA Plenary Sessions

 Saturday, 13 Nov 2010

AAVLD Plenary Session – 7:50 – 11:30 a.m.

 One Health: Opportunities for Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories


7:50 a.m.      Welcome – Craig Carter, DVM, PhD, AAVLD President-Elect 


8:00                 Keynote-- Human-Animal Medicine Title: How Do Laboratories Fit Into the Picture?


                          - Peter Rabinowitz, MD, MPH  [Yale Medical School]


In many of its current forms, the concept of “One Health” is long on visionary scope and maddeningly short on tangible specifics and short term action steps for implementation. Yet there is a substantial, although often anecdotal, amount of evidence suggesting that the clinical laboratories could play a key and increasingly important role in diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases overlapping human and animal medicine in a manner that could be considered One Health.  This talk will review such evidence, through presentation of cases that involve animals as sentinels for human environmental health hazards, humans as sentinels for animal disease risk, and cases that highlight how little we still know about zoonotic pathogen transmission and its impact on the global burden of illness in both humans and animals.



11:00 a.m.       Walk the Talk: The Center for Excellence of Emerging & Zoonotic Animal Diseases (CEEZAD) and One Health


                          -Juergen Richt, DVM, PhD [Dept. Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology Kansas State University]           



The history of integrative thinking between veterinary medicine, human medicine, and environmental and economic domains has slowly evolved through time into comparative medicine and lately to the concept of “One Health”. Recognition of interdependence between these entities has increasingly become apparent within the last decade. Although this concept is not new, its implementation requires collaborative efforts involving multiple disciplines.


When applied to emerging and zoonotic animal diseases, the concept of “One Health” is one of the critical strategies that is fully embraced for efficient risk analysis and implementation of control measures.  The concept relies on vaccine and diagnostic tools using a transboundary line of attack because of the underlying interconnection between these disciplines and the potential risk for failure without a global approach.


The Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases (CEEZAD) conducts research, develops technology, and trains a specialized work force to successfully defend US pre-harvest agricultural systems against accidental or intentional introduction of emerging animal pathogens, and especially those with zoonotic potential. The Center’s emphasis on foreign, zoonotic and novel emerging pathogens will have a significant impact on both human and animal health.


The CEEZAD’s research is concentrated around three themes: vaccines, diagnostics and epidemiology/modeling. The vaccine theme targets the development, testing and validation of vaccines against known and newly emerging threat agents such as Foot and Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV), Rift Valley Fever Virus (RVFV), Animal Influenzas or other newly discovered and economically important threat pathogens.  The second theme objective encompasses the development of diagnostic tools to support the vaccine theme and especially DIVA companion test for FMDV, RVFV and influenza, as well as ability to ensure the rapid detection of unknown novel agents whether natural or engineered. The third theme goals involve inter-disciplinary, interagency and international collaboration to support U.S. national policy and emergency responses in case of introduction of threat pathogens. To fully integrate the concept of “One Health”, the mission of CEEZAD is supported by a strong emphasis on an education and outreach approach. 


Monday, 15 Nov 2010  


USAHA/AAVLD Joint Plenary Session – 7:50 – 12:00 a.m.


One Health: One Way Street Or Are There Opportunities for Animal Agriculture?


7:50 a.m.         Welcome – Steve Halstead, DVM, MS USAHA President-Elect; Lonnie King, DVM, MS, MPA Moderator


8:00                 Keynote--One Medicine:  Its All Herd Health


                        - Lisa  A. Conti, DVM, MPH  [Florida Dept. of Health, Division Environmental Health Director]


The exciting concept of One Health, while not new, encourages systems thinking and implementation at addressing challenges to disease and injury prevention and control.  By using the intersection of human, veterinary and environmental health, practitioners in these fields can manage a wide range of clinical and public health problems. 


For most of us, a companion animal makes up part of our family structure and most people consume food of animal origin.  Biologic, chemical and radiation hazards in our environment that impact these animals, also impact us.  Our ability to attend to and mitigate these threats increase our community sustainability and our general health. 


The task of identifying and controlling emerging pathogens and conditions benefits from an open communication and collaboration among human medical, veterinary medical and environmental health practitioners.  The nation’s response to the Gulf oil spill necessarily requires the input of multiple professions working together to address the impacts from occupational exposure, to wildlife and habitat threats, to harvesting food from these waters.  Zoonotic influenza is an infectious disease that exemplifies the need for working across divides.  Environmental changes including how we build our environments have considerable impact on human, animal and environmental health.


The growing awareness of the benefit of One Health linkages requires each of us in these professions to take initiative, starting as simply as knowing whom to contact in our communities and making those contacts. 


8:30                  Emerging Infectious Diseases:  The Case for Integrating Science, Medicine and Public Health

                          - Gary Simpson, MD, PhD, MPH   [Paul L. Foster School of Medicine - Texas Tech University Health Science Center]


Emerging infectious diseases in the 21st Century have become increasingly complex and unpredictable.  Since 85% of emerging infectious diseases in recent decades are zoonotic in origin, the importance

of understanding the dynamic interactions of the ecosystems of wildlife, domestic/agricultural animals, and humans has been demonstrated convincingly.  Extensive experience with these

infectious disease threats has taught that addressing them responsibly requires the collaborative and coordinated efforts of inter-disciplinary, multi-organizational working groups.  The example of the initial

outbreak of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome will used to illustrate these concepts. The sustained collaborations that resulted from this event will be described.                    


WANT MORE?  Consider attending the meeting…