One Health Academy in Washington, D.C. offers Outstanding One Health Presentations since 2006 (USA)
Since its founding in 2006 by Tom McGinn, DVM, the One Health Academy in Washington D.C. has enjoyed success in its mission to bring together those interested in One Health every month. At its inception, the group was meant to be an informal gathering among peers to discuss the challenges felt across health disciplines. Over time, the group expanded from single to double digit participation still maintaining its informal atmosphere, collegiality and mentoring. Part of the success of the One Health Academy has been the atmosphere of the Capital Yacht Club where its founder is a member. Located on the water front with an intimate clubhouse, the venue has been ideal as a routine meeting spot away from the hustle and bustle of DC life.
Early on, the group incorporated an invited speaker as part of the monthly routine to share their story about their experiences in One Health. The speaker became a keystone for the group providing a brief exposé on their work sparking discussion and discourse allowing genuine interactions to occur. Over the following 7 years, there have been numerous important speakers passing through the Capital Yacht Club. The first gathering had the late One Health leader, James H. Steele, DVM, MPH fresh off of receiving his Surgeon General’s Medallion. Many other speakers have passed through as the meetings happen September through June. Through this gathering, multiple relationships and partnerships have formed shaping the direction of many career trajectories. Collaborations have formed leading to interdisciplinary projects and allowing discussion to happen across agencies, non-profits and private entities.
Speakers and collegiality around the topic of One Health only get you so far. Mabel Sawhill, the caterer at the Capital Yacht Club, provided the sustenance to keep attendees returning. Mabel has been the caterer for the One Health Academy since its inception and is one of the bedrock reasons the group keeps meeting. At 100 years of age, Mabel still caters every meal for the group and has become an icon to the Academy. Her boundless energy and enthusiasm is infectious and her food provides just another reason to come every month.
With an average attendance of 30-40 people every month, One Health Academy spans generations with undergraduate students through retired leaders in the field. One Health Academy is advancing One Health through motivating, mentoring and networking. Time is built in before and after the speaker to let everyone interact and mingle. Everyone is there for one purpose to come together around One Health. The honest interactions are all meant to help one another moving forward. The success of the group stems from the passion of those who come and their passion about the work they do. The inherent nature of One Health is benevolent sparking kindred spirits to come together every month at One Health Academy to renew their passion, mentor those needing guidance, and form collaborations to advance the betterment of our world.
Provided to the One Health Initiative website January 22, 2015 by:
Will Sander, DVM, MPH, DACVPM, One Health Academy Secretary, AAAS S&T Policy Fellow hosted by US EPA
Dr. Sander is a One Health Supporter/Advocate
NOTE: The One Health Initiative Autonomous pro bono Team: Laura H. Kahn, MD, MPH, MPP ▪ Bruce Kaplan, DVM ▪ Thomas P. Monath, MD ▪ Jack Woodall, PhD ▪ Lisa A. Conti, DVM, MPH strongly supports and recognizes the outstanding One Health contributions of the One Health Academy. The speakers represent a wide spectrum multidisciplinary distribution of health professionals including prominent physicians, veterinarians, governmental leaders and other health scientists—in the true interdisciplinary, collaborative spirit of the One Health concept.
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