
One Health in ACTION - USA


University of California, Davis Veterinarians Collaborate with Engineer for Unique Reconstructive Jawbone Surgery in a Dog...may be Applicable to Humans


UC Davis (USA), School of Veterinary Medicine is well known for its outstanding One Health activities.  A recent One Health news item posted on their website highlights what can be achieved by the interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary collaborative efforts of engineering and veterinary medicine for dogs ... and potentially for people.

“The treatment not only offers hope for these dogs and other animals, but also will likely provide valuable information for human medicine.”, according to the website article.  Dr. Michael D. Lairmore, Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine and longstanding One Health advocate called this “a wonderful media event, celebrating a landmark clinical success made possible by collaboration between two UC Davis veterinary medical clinicians and a biomedical science’s professor.”

Linda C. Ybarra, Director of Strategic Planning and Communication says “this research project was performed by two veterinarians, Drs. Frank J.M. Verstraete, a professor of veterinary medicine and chief of Dentistry and Oral Surgery and Boaz Arzi at the William R. Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital at UC Davis in collaboration with an engineer, Dr. Dan Huey, a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at UC Davis”

Note: Information for this posting was graciously provided to the One Health Initiative website by Dr. Lairmore and Ms. Ybarra.