Graciously provided to the One Health Initiative website, August 7, 2023 by
Michael W. Fox, BVetMed, PhD, DSc, MRCVS
"Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect." - Chief Seattle, Duwamish
Advancing social acceptance of animal rights and conservation has been protracted by vested interests for several decades. Their incorporation into the philosophy and praxis of One Health is integral to making progress in the realms of public health and economic security that have also been limited by lack of attention to the critical issues of diet, population, regenerative agriculture, and loss of natural biodiversity. Progress in One Health should not be conceptually limited or diverted by the profit-driven promotion of ever more vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides. A more holistic and integrated approach to pest and disease management linking animal, environmental and human health would reduce over-reliance on vaccines, antibiotics, and pesticides in particular that can cause collateral harm to beneficial species, and, ultimately, to public health; but not negate the value of such agents when used in accord with the precautionary principle.
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Please see MONOGRAPH in Veterinaria Italiana
“One Health – One Medicine”: linking human, animal and environmental health
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History of the One Health Initiative team and website (April 2006 through September 2015) and the One Health Initiative website since October 1, 2008 … revised to June 2020 and again to date February 2021
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Vaccines for zoonoses: a One Health paradigm
SciTech Europa Quarterly (March 2018) – Issue 26
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Pan European Networks SciTech Europa Quarterly
SciTech Europa Vaccines for zoonoses: a one Health paradigm – Pages 227-229 (Read PDF) “One of the One Health Initiative team’s co-founders and leaders is an internationally-recognized eminent physician…
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