One Health Message from President of the World Medical Association (WMA)
Sent to One Health Initiative website February 5, 2013
“Following the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the World Medical Association (WMA) and the World Veterinary Association (WVA) at the WMA meeting in Bangkok last October, Margaret Mungherera, MD, President-elect of the WMA and President of the Ugandan Medical Association, took the idea of a MOU back to her country.
As a result there is scheduled a three-day (February 14-16, 2013) joint conference* sponsored by the Uganda Medical Association (UMA) and Uganda Veterinary Association (UVA) with the theme "Disease Eradication: What will it take?". The most impressive program for the conference is attached. The hope is that the meeting will provide focus and strategies for cooperation, and the plan is to complete a MOU between the UMA and UVA during the meeting to be signed at the conclusion.
According to Margaret there is already a One Health initiative sponsored by a veterinary and a medical school in Makerere University; supported by USAID with activities in Countries in Eastern and Central Africa including Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, DRC and Ethiopia. This group has supported the conference by bringing three presenters to give their countries' experiences and USAID is flying in the keynote speaker.
Margaret is, in her words, "overwhelmed by the response" and is thinking about making this conference an annual event.”
Cecil B. Wilson, MD, President
World Medical Association (former American Medical Association President)
*UMA and UVA Joint Conference February 14-16, 2013
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