
Editorial OPINION Viewpoint

UTMB One Health Collaborators, an excellent all inclusive interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary example of how current and future medical schools may consider institutionalizing the ideal One Health concept/approach.  The objective being

One Health is the collaborative efforts of multiple disciplines working locally, nationally, and globally to attain optimal health for people, animals, plants and our environment.

One Health implementation will help protect and/or save untold millions of lives in our generation and for those to come.


Between animal and human medicine there are no dividing lines--nor should there beThe object is different but the experience obtained constitutes the basis of all medicine.”

 --Rudolf Virchow, MD (the father of cellular pathology)--

Notably among One-Medicine-One-Health-An-Historic-Perspective-REVISED-SEPT1-2022-from-FEB1-2021.pdf ( is ...

Gray, Gregory, MD, MPH, FIDSA

Gregory Gray, MD, MPH

Another remarkable trailblazer physician One Health contributor has been and is Dr. Gregory Gray.  Among many extraordinary One Health accomplishments including a Newsletter at Duke University (USA), prior thereto Dr. Gray established the first PhD degree with a concentration in One Health, while directing the University of Florida’s One Health program.  Prof. Gray left Duke and launched an extraordinary One Health Program at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) at Galveston, TX (USA).