

One Health training, research, and outreach in North America

Cheryl Stroud, DVM, PhD1*, Bruce Kaplan, DVM2, Jenae E. Logan, MScGH3,5 and Gregory C. Gray, MD, MPH, FIDSA3

1One Health Commission, Apex, NC; 2One Health Initiative Autonomous pro bono Team, Sarasota, FL, USA; 3Division of Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine and Global Health Institute, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA10

Citation: Infection Ecology and Epidemiology 2016, 6: 33680 -

Published November 29, 2016 – SEE

Infection Ecology & Epidemiology – the One Health Journal

About the Journal:

... publishes original and cross-disciplinary research from across medical and ecological disciplines engaged in describing the complexity of zoonotic infections and the interface between wild and domestic animals, and humans.

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The One Health concept is a global strategy for expanding interdisciplinary collaborations and communications in all aspects of health care for humans, animals, and the environment. The synergism  achieved will advance health care for the 21st century and beyond by accelerating biomedical research discoveries, enhancing public health efficacy, expanding the scientific knowledge base, and improving medical education and clinical care. When properly implemented, it will help protect and save millions of lives in our present and future generations (1). ...

1. One Health Initiative autonomous pro bono team. About the One Health Initiative. Available from: [cited 3 September 2016].

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*Direct Correspondence to: Dr. Cheryl Stroud, Executive Director, One Health Commission, P.O. Box 972, Apex, NC 27523, USA, Email: