
 Cheryl M. Stroud, DVM, PhD, Executive Director, U.S. One Health Commission is also the Immediate Past Chair, North Carolina One Health Collaborative (NC OHC), Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences, NC State University, College of Veterinary Medicine, and the Immediate Past American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Representative to the One Health Commission.

Since 2013 Dr. Stroud has enthusiastically led the One Health Commission, promoted the One Health concept/approach and engaged with numerous national and international One Health organizations, leaders and others.  In addition, she has grown the One Health Commission website into one of the most comprehensive and widely read worldwide.

Editor’s Note: Dr. Stroud continues to be recognized and admired for working “hand & glove” together and generously with many other national and international One Health leaders/organizations, dealing with a variety of complex One Health issues.


Previously posted One Health Initiative website News March 19, 2017
Outstanding-Extraordinary U.S. One Health Leader Making Significant One Health Contributions – Dr. Cheryl Stroud