
“ ... it is also highly encouraging that there is a section dedicated to One Health. ...  It will be vitally important that the treaty takes One Health, at an operational level, to mean more than surveillance, if it is to meaningfully help prevent future pandemics.  ...”


“... The INB has published its initial draft of the pandemic accord for consultation ahead of further negotiations in February to April 2023. While much of the draft focusses on matters like improved infectious disease monitoring, information sharing, strengthening healthcare systems, and equitable access to medical pandemic countermeasures (all of which are important), it is also highly encouraging that there is a section dedicated to One Health. The draft wording recommends that national pandemic preparedness plans include addressing the drivers of zoonotic disease emergence, including climate change, land use change, wildlife trade, and antimicrobial resistance in domesticated animals. The INB also aspire to work with other UN bodies, that lead on the food system, animal health, and the natural environment, to develop a systems-level approach to pandemic preparedness. The holistic scope of the Pandemic Treaty at this stage is laudable, but there is much room for improvement in the detail.

Most of the specific One Health recommendations focus on disease monitoring. Future iterations of the agreement would benefit from a much stronger emphasis on the prevention of disease spillover and policies to understand, monitor, and address the drivers of spillover risk. It will be vitally important that the treaty takes One Health, at an operational level, to mean more than surveillance, if it is to meaningfully help prevent future pandemics.  ...”