
January 5, 2022 - The One Health Initiative team is proud to announce that Claude Forthomme, BA, MA, Senior Editor and columnist, Impakter magazine (United Kingdom) has joined the One Health Initiative (OHI) Advisory Board (Hon.).

Claude Forthomme - Senior Editor

Ms. Forthomme, a well known writer and economist, is a graduate of Barnard College and Columbia University School of Economics (USA).  She was formerly a Regional Representative (Assistant Director-General) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO, Rome) in charge of the offices for Europe and Central Asia.  A knowledgeable One Health advocate, she has edited several pertinent One Health articles that have appeared in Impakter magazine.

Upon accepting the OHI Team’s invitation, Claude said, “... I shall certainly try to help and I will continue to do what I know how to do best, edit other people's fine writing so it will shine and spread the word about One Health, make the concept clear, make people see how perfectly logical it is. We are all one, sailing through space in the same boat!”

In addition she has also authored many fiction books under various pen names in both English and Italian; she is considered a prime exponent of Boomer literature and has founded the Boomer Lit Group on Goodreads. Her poetry has been included in “Freeze Frame”, an international poetry anthology curated by British poet Oscar Sparrow (Gallo Romano Media, 2012).