Veterinary Record 2016;179:412-413 doi:10.1136/vr.i5470 – Viewpoint One Welfare – a platform for improving human and animal welfare Abstract “Adopting the concept of One Welfare could help to improve animal welfare and human wellbeing worldwide, argue Rebeca García Pinillos, Michael Appleby, Xavier Manteca, Freda Scott-Park, Charles Smith and Antonio Velarde IN a similar way to the relationship between animal and human health, there is a strong link between animal welfare and human wellbeing. Here, we introduce the concept of One Welfare for wide debate, with an aim to improve animal welfare and human wellbeing worldwide. This article is a summary of a full article which appears online with this issue of Veterinary Record. A One Welfare approach complements the One Health approach and helps to empower the animal welfare and human wellbeing fields to address the connections between science and policy more effectively in various areas of human society, including environmental science and sustainability. The concept of One Welfare recognises the interconnections between animal welfare, human wellbeing and the environment. Integrating this concept in existing projects could foster interdisciplinary collaboration to improve human and animal welfare internationally. One Welfare could also help to promote key global objectives such as reducing human suffering (eg, the abuse of vulnerable people), supporting food security and improving productivity within the farming sector through a better understanding of the value of high welfare standards, among others. It extends the approach of (and partially overlaps with) the One Health theme used for human and animal health.” Read full article : Permission to post on One Health Initiative website granted November 10, 2016 by: Georgina Mills Assistant Editor Veterinary Record and In Practice BMJ, BMA House, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9JR T: 020 7874 7055 E: W:
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