
Environment, Health, News, Society February 12, 2020 Coronavirus: Why China Needs to Change its Animal Health Policies by Richard Seifman - Board Member, United Nations Association-National Capital Area China’s troubles with the on-going coronavirus outbreak originate with its animal health policies and programs: They need to change and here is how. China is frightened and focused on the 2019 n-CoV virus, now called by the WHO “COVID-19” and by the Chinese “Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia” (NCP).  It has paralyzed China’s people, resulting in over 44,000 infected cases and more than 1,000 deaths and severely hurt its own and the global economy. Both with respect to human health and the economic and social costs, the numbers are likely to be staggering. All this began because China, and other countries to be sure, allow live wildlife to be sold as food in so-called “wet” markets, i.e. food markets where wildlife animals are sold in proximity to domestic meat and animals. ... ... What to do?  Simply put, pursue a One Health approach, one which leads to integrated human-animal-environmental health policies and actions. ... Please read complete article at