One Health Postdoctoral Associate Position Studying Arboviruses, Mongolia Duke University’s Division of Infectious Diseases invites applications from US citizens for a very unique postdoctoral associate position, who will, with a team of two other postdoctoral associates from Mongolia, collect field data, run laboratory analyses, and draft scientific reports in a NIH-funded zoonotic arbovirus research project in Mongolia. The interdisciplinary team is headquartered in the Veterinary Medicine Institute in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Employment will begin in early 2018 and continue through April 2019. The interdisciplinary one health team will work with Mongolian government officials to conduct the study, which will likely consist of travel to rural parts of Mongolia for field collections and conducting laboratory work in Ulaanbaatar. While the postdoctoral team will be closely monitored, the team will be strongly encouraged to conduct independent team problem solving. After the team completes their study, they will be asked to transfer their knowledge to regional public health, veterinary and environmental health professionals throughout Mongolia, as well as translate scientific findings into prevention practices or products that will help to reduce the burden of zoonotic diseases among pastoral people worldwide. Applicants should be US citizens and have doctoral degrees in entomology, public health, veterinary medicine, environmental health, medicine, epidemiology, microbiology, or a related field. This fellowship includes annual support with a Kirschtein-NRSA award-level salary ($47,476), round-trip airfare to Mongolia, research office support, Duke University employee benefits (, plus cost-reimbursable housing expenses (up to $10,000/yr). Duke University is a comprehensive research institution that includes a remarkably wide range of academic departments and programs ( and is recognized as one of the premier research institutions in the United States. Duke is uniquely positioned to provide excellent opportunities for collaboration with colleagues across a variety of disciplines. More information about the training program in Mongolia and related activities can be found on the Duke One Health team web site: The Duke One Health team is led by Professor Gregory C. Gray: Please direct all questions regarding this position to Jane Fieldhouse at Applicants should send Jane their CV with a cover letter explaining how they fit this program, as well as references (names and contact information). <span style="font-family: Times Ne
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Please see MONOGRAPH in Veterinaria Italiana
“One Health – One Medicine”: linking human, animal and environmental health
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History of the One Health Initiative team and website (April 2006 through September 2015) and the One Health Initiative website since October 1, 2008 … revised to June 2020 and again to date February 2021
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SciTech Europa Quarterly (March 2018) – Issue 26
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Pan European Networks SciTech Europa Quarterly
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