
Beef Magazine - Wes Ishmael | Jun 22, 2017 How Antibiotic overuse in human medicine impacts beef producers                                               “While animal agriculture is the focus of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in people, the human use of antibiotics must be considered as well. Fourth of a six-part series.” ... “... Today, the United States is the third-largest consumer of antibiotics in human medicine in the world, according to Dr. Laura Kahn, a physician and research scholar with Princeton University’s program on science and global security at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. Only India and China consume more. “That’s total use,” Kahn emphasized. “The countries with the highest per capita use of antibiotics, for whatever reason, are Australia and New Zealand.” One Health Initiative Kahn is also co-founder of the One Health Initiative. “One Health is very simply the concept that human, animal and environmental health are linked,” Kahn told participants at last year’s annual convention of the Texas Cattle Feeders Association (TCFA). “And because they are linked, complex subjects such as antimicrobial resistance must be examined in an interdisciplinary way.” Kahn put that concept to work in research highlighted in her book, “One Health and the Politics of Antimicrobial Resistance.” You’ll hear more about Kahn’s research in a future article in this series. Suffice it to say, her research dismantles the assumptions European regulators made about the presumed link between antibiotic use in livestock and antibiotic resistance in humans, an assumption that continues to drive antibiotic policy there. ...”