
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal: Volume 19, Number 3—March 2013 Conference Summary Issues in the Development of a Research and Education Framework for One Health Gargano LM, Gallagher PF, Barrett M, Howell K, Wolfe C, Woods C, et al. Issues in the development of a research and education framework for One Health [conference summary]. Emerg Infect Dis [Internet]. 2013 Mar [date cited]. Emerging vectorborne and zoonotic diseases and public health consequences of environmental degradation have led to calls for One Health approaches that integrate public, animal, and environmental health perspectives and expertise (1,2). Recognizing the need to focus on One Health issues and priorities, the Southeastern Regional Center of Excellence for Emerging Infections and Biodefense ( ) convened a conference January 30–31, 2012, to discuss development of a research and education framework for One Health. ... Please read more: