
The Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere (MAHB) Features One Health   MAHBs July 2016 Newsletter that features an update from the One Health Initiative (OHI) by co-founder Laura H. Kahn, MD, MPH, MPP can be seen/read in full at down): Node | One Health Initiative Laura Kahn One Health is a concept that recognizes that human, animal, and environmental health are linked. It is a worldwide strategy for expanding interdisciplinary collaborations and communications in all aspects of health care for humans, animals and the environment in an effort to improve the health of all species. The One Health Initiative (OHI) is focused on educating international multidisciplinary scientific communities, political and governmental leaders, the news media, and the general public about the One Health concept. This has been achieved via numerous national and international publications, book chapters, presentations, and articles.  The OHI team works collaboratively with many national and international organizations, such as the American Association of Public Health Physicians and the One Health Commission (OHC).  The OHI team currently participates in all known international One Health Journal endeavors. In addition, the OHI team has worked closely with the One Health Newsletter, a widely read online One Health product of the University of Florida (Emerging Pathogens Institute-USA) --formerly produced by the Florida State Department of Health (USA). The OHI autonomous team was co-founded in 2006 by physician Laura H. Kahn, MD, MPH, MPP and veterinarian Bruce Kaplan, DVM. Thomas P. Monath, MD joined one year later. Jack Woodall, PhD, health research scientist joined in 2009, and public health veterinarian Lisa A. Conti, DVM, MPH joined in 2012. Two years later, Drs. Kahn, Kaplan and Monath initiated the OHI website on October 1, 2008 and Dr. Kaplan is the primary OHI website contents manager/editor. The policy of the OHI team is to provide free access for all news, information, and events pertaining to One Health. All reputable One Health organizations, and individuals in the US and worldwide are recognized and welcomed as supporters and advocates without discrimination. The OHI team works pro bono and does not require nor accept fees from any One Health supporter or advocate organizations and who wishes to participate. The OHI website has been referred to internationally by many as the clearinghouse for all pertinent One Health information worldwide and recently some prominent One Health advocates have called it “the New York Times” of One Health. The OHI website now has at least 118 reciprocal links from within the US and internationally. Over the last few years the OHI team website’s monthly individual visits reached roughly 20,000 from over 150 countries! To learn more about OHI, please visit their website or contact Dr. Laura Kahn.