
Narratives of One Health in Action One Health can provide a safe, no judgment zone for many needed conversations surrounding our most difficult global and environmental health challenges. ‘Narratives of One Health in Action’ is a page where many items can be shared, from peer reviewed scientific case studies to examples of One Health successes (or missed opportunities) to Op Eds and Opinion Pieces. Opinions expressed here are not necessarily approved by the One Health Commission but are shared ‘because’ this is a safe, no judgement zone and we need to hear from many perspectives on many of today’s challenges. Thoughtful articles written in a professional tone will be considered for posting. Submit suggested items to August 21, 2016 One Health – One Method of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing - by T. Shryock and M. Papich Antimicrobial resistance is a globally recognized issue; therefore, efforts to combat this problem have been initiated by international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the Office International des Epizooties (OIE) as well as national antibiotic action plans in the United States, the European Union, and other countries. Many associations, stakeholders and professional societies have made commitments to fulfilling various components of these plans to combat antimicrobial resistance. Provided to One Health Initiative website August 22, 2016 by Cheryl Stroud, DVM, PhD, Executive Director, One Health Commission