
One Health in Action Presentation On August 25, 2014, Drs. Neil Olson and *Ralph Richardson, Deans of the University of Missouri and Kansas State University veterinary schools, respectively, gave a presentation entitled “One Health in Action” at the Kansas City Area Life Science Institute’s annual symposium (see attached Power Point slides).  This year’s symposium was on “Antibiotics: Choosing the Path of Least Resistance”.  Drs. Olson and Richardson had the opportunity to set the stage for the other symposium speakers as they explored the interfacing of animal health, human health and the environment.  The KCALSI symposium is part of the activities incorporated into the Kansas City Animal Health Corridor’s (KCAHC) Homecoming event and the Central Veterinary Conference’s annual continuing education meeting. See for additional information about the symposium and for further information about the KCAHC. *Dr. Richardson is a member of the One Health Initiative team’s Honorary Advisory Board