
 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Atlanta, Georgia (USA)   One Health Related Meetings The One Health Office sponsors, attends, and participates in national and international meetings promoting One Health. To date, a series of meetings have been organized by a number of diverse global institutions from the academic, government, non-government, and private sectors which provide an important forum for bringing together national and international specialists to focus on policies and implementation of a One Health approach. These meetings have built a strong case for One Health by striving to identify the true added value of an integrated approach to preventing and detecting emerging and re-emerging diseases. The following provides brief summaries for several meetings that have transpired over the last decade to describe the narrative of the One Health concept to date.   For more, please see: and the attached PDF.   Information provided by: One Health supporter, Kathleen F. Grensheimer, MD, MPH, FIDSA, Public Health Consultant Infectious Diseases, Cambridge, Mass.