
NATURE,  International Journal of Science Our Journals WORLD VIEW 13 August 2019 Pandemic bonds: designed to fail in Ebola The World Bank’s funding scheme for disease outbreaks drained potential resources from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, says Olga Jonas.  Please see: “Increasing surveillance, diagnostics and other capacities for response to outbreaks will do more than flashy financing schemes to reduce threats from infectious disease — including antimicrobial resistance. World Bank analyses show that poor countries’ investments in core veterinary and human public-health systems bring returns of 25–88% annually. The World Bank can provide robust financing and operational support for such investment; it should make this a priority.” Provided by: Olga Jonas  |  Senior Fellow [A longstanding One Health Supporter/Advocate] Harvard Global Health Institute; 42 Church Street, 2nd floor; Cambridge, MA 02138; o: +1-617-384-5421 / m: +1- 202-469-2727; e: : / s: olga.jonas; Twitter:  @olga_02138