
Publish Soon, Publish Often, Help from the Library of Alexandria   Ismail Serageldin, Ph.D., Head, Library of Alexandra, Egypt, Ronald LaPorte, Ph.D., Supercourse,  Director, WHO Collaborating Center, Professor Uni. of Pittsburgh, and the BA/Supercourse team   “To get to know, to discover, to publish—this is the destiny of a scientist” (Arago). Scientific publications are important to disseminate discoveries.  Scientific publications also determine your future.  The more you publish, the better your position, the higher your raise and the greater the chance for promotion. Academics who publish advance. Scientific Publishing is a skill to master. We will help you hone your scientific publication skills. They are not difficult but take practice.  The Bibliotecheca Alexandria (Library of Alexandria) and the Supercourse, Uni. of Pittsburgh have established a free web site, with rules and tools provided by some of the leading scientists in the world to help you and your students  develop Publication Skills and advance scientifically. This is a one-stop shopping center for publishing and success in Academia.   Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. (WHO) (BA Superhelp desk) (BA Superhelp Facebook   Supercourse  Provided by: Ronald E. LaPorte, PhD Director, Disease Monitoring and Telecommunications Supercourse central Professor of Epidemiology University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA, USA email: Telephone 412 383 7244, Cell 412 915 1495 Member Supercourse team