
Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine Purdue One Health Club Our organization is dedicated to advancing the One Health approach by uniting veterinarians, physicians, environmental scientists, and other health professionals in order to address the complex problems that occur at the junction of our fields of expertise.  This integrated approach to health allows us to improve the well-being of animals, people, and the environment simultaneously.  Our club focuses on providing timely lectures and wet labs and also provides opportunities for community outreach.  SEE: Cancer Research to Benefit Pet Animals   and People   Our work is aimed at improving the outlook for pet animals and people with cancer. Certain types of cancer are very similar between dogs and humans. Progress made in dogs with these cancers can lead to advances in humans, as well as being very helpful to the dogs. Learn about our mission. SEE:  Note: this comparative medicine program fits well into the umbrella tradition of the “One World, One Medicine, One Health” concept