
US veterinary hospital faces rare antibiotic-resistant E coli CIDRAP On Apr 1, 2019, Shelley Rankin, PhD, the chief of clinical microbiology at the University of ... Its the quintessential One Health problem, she said. ... A One Health conundrum The report on the outbreak, which appeared this week in Emerging Infectious Diseases, raises a lot of questions. Although the number of dogs and cats affected was small—14 over several months—and its still unclear whether they were infected with the pathogen or colonized, Rankin said what remains unknown is how the animals acquired NDM-5–producing E coli, where these resistance genes are lurking, and how easily they can be transmitted between animals and humans. ... Rankin said that while seeing a CRE outbreak in veterinary medicine did not come as a surprise, especially at a large veterinary hospital, she and her colleagues were not prepared for it, and she doesnt think the profession is prepared for it. Shes hoping that getting the word out about the outbreak, and having discussions with public health agencies, human medical colleagues, and experts in environmental monitoring, will result in some guidance for veterinarians. Its a really good One Health opportunity, she said. Its a great opportunity to bring everyone together. See also: Jan 8 Emerg Infect Dis research letter