
“ ... Thematically, the working groups are tasked with Political and Societal Resilience; Technology and Innovation; International Governance for Health; One Health; and Health, Sustainable Development, and the Economy. ... It is a huge achievement that family medicine is represented on the Commission, as the only clinical specialty. It is recognition of the importance of primary care and the highly trained generalist as a member of the multidisciplinary team. ... "


Global Family Doctor

SEE: Global Family Doctor - WONCA Online [

WONCA and WHO News

November, 2020

Dr Anna Stavdal, WONCA President-elect, recently represented family medicine at the WHO Pan-European Commission.

"The threats following the pandemic come on top of already existing pressures on health and social care systems. The COVID-19 crisis works as an magnifying glass, and makes it very clear that prevention, responsiveness and efficiency are key concepts for health systems resilience. ...

Thematically, the working groups are tasked with Political and Societal Resilience; Technology and Innovation; International Governance for Health; One Health; and Health, Sustainable Development, and the Economy.

It is a huge achievement that family medicine is represented on the Commission, as the only clinical specialty. It is recognition of the importance of primary care and the highly trained generalist as a member of the multidisciplinary team. ..."

Note: Dr. Garth Manning [MB BCh BAO, DRCOG, DAvMed, MRCGP, FRCGP]– Chief Executive Officer (CEO) World Organization of Family Doctors [physicians] (WONCA), (Thailand) is a member of the One Health Initiative team’s Advisory Board (Hon.) Advisory Board - One Health Initiative [ ]