
A One Health oriented conference...

The James Steele Conference on Diseases in Nature Transmissible to Man (DIN) - May 25-27, 2016



2016 Conference


Past Conferences 


Conference History


J.V. Irons Keynote Address 


About Dr. James Steele


International Conference on Diseases in Nature Communicable to Man (INCDNCM)


Contact Us

DIN is a not-for-profit conference and serves as a forum for the presentation of epidemiological investigations, clinical case studies, basic and applied research, and other topics in emerging and current zoonotic and environmentally-acquired infectious diseases.   The conference's goal is to increase knowledge and awareness of these diseases within the medical, public health, and academic research communities.  


Participants include physicians, physician assistants, nurses, veterinarians, epidemiologists, virologists, microbiologists, parasitologists, entomologists, sanitarians, public health professionals, wildlife biologists, animal control officers, and others involved in the diagnosis, investigation, prevention, control, and research of zoonoses and environmentally-acquired infectious diseases.


DIN is co-sponsored by the Texas Department of State Health Services Zoonosis Control Branch and the Texas Health Institute.  For more information about zoonoses in Texas, please visit the Zoonosis Control Branch's website at  For more information about the Texas Health Institue, please visit


Dedicated to improving the public health through a better understanding of Zoonoses and environmentally-acquired infectious diseases.