

Saving Lives By Taking A One Health Approach

Saving Lives, Protecting People.

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One Health

Our recent work to connect human, animal, and environmental health in the US and around the world.

September 2017

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One Health Fact Sheet

Connecting human, animal, and environmental health


CDC’s One Health Office recognizes that the health of people is connected to the health of animals and our shared environment. A One Health approach encourages collaborative efforts of many experts (like disease detectives, laboratorians, physicians, and veterinarians) working across human, animal, and environmental health to improve the health of people and animals, including pets, livestock, and wildlife.

Check out the newest fact sheet to learn more about CDC's One Health work in the United States and around the world to protect the health of people, animals, and the environment.

Find updates about One Health, diseases spread between humans and animals, new infographics, and much more on our home page.